Abstract Presentations
Abstracts describing work relating to clinical trials in progress or completed, projects that may inform future clinical trials, and projects identifying issues for which clinical trials may be beneficial, are invited to be submitted for consideration.
Accepted abstract presenters must register for the 46th ASM, and the submitter agrees to allow BCT to publish the abstract on the meeting website. Abstract submissions will close at 11:59 PM on Friday 6 June 2025 (AEST).
Abstracts from trainees, Fellows, and Junior faculty from all of the breast cancer disciplines are particularly welcome. Some abstracts will be offered oral presentations and others will be offered posters to be displayed during the 46th ASM.
Pictured – Abstract Posters Presented at the 2023 ASM in Auckland
Abstract Details
After submission, authors will be notified as to whether their abstract has been accepted, as well as the format of presentation.
If there is a change in presenting author, please inform the BCT secretariat at asm@bctrials.org.au.
Type of Presentation
- Authors should select their presentation preference: Oral or Poster.
- The final decision on the presentation type will be made by the Organizing Committee.
- Oral Presentation: The abstract will be scheduled for presentation during one of the Scientific Sessions. The number of oral presentation slots is limited.
- Poster Presentation: The abstract will be selected for presentation in poster format. Posters will be on display at the congress.
Abstract Guidelines
- Abstracts should be submitted online.
- Abstracts should be prepared as a Word file, including Title, Authors and Affiliations – ready for upload into the system.
- The abstract body may not be longer than 350 words.
- Abstracts may include a maximum of three (3) images (graphs/photos) in JPEG format, submitted separately.
- Please write concisely and clearly and structure your abstract with the headings: Problem Statement, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
- Trials in progress or other projects may be submitted with an alternative format.
- Please include Disclosure of Interest, if any, at the end of the abstract body.
- The Organising Committee may request additional information about abstracts.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
- All posters are to be A0 size – 84.1cm wide x 118.9cm high.
- All posters are to be in PORTRAIT (vertical) format ONLY.
- Allocate the top of the poster for the title and author’s names and affiliations as stated in the submitted abstract.
- The text and illustrations should be bold and large enough to read from a distance of 2 metres.
- Poster printing and delivery to the ASM is the responsibility of the presenter.
- Please bring your poster to the registration desk for mounting. Technical equipment will be available for hanging posters.
- Dismantling of posters is the responsibility of the presenter.

Additional Information
- Abstracts will be assessed alongside all other abstracts and judged on its merits.
- It is not guaranteed that an abstract will be accepted.
- Abstracts must present information that is balanced, without bias or undue influence.
- The information must have scientific merit and be of interest to the Australian breast cancer community.
- Encore abstracts can be considered (if it is acceptable to both conferences).