Trainee and Early Career Day

Trainees and those in the early stage of their careers in medical oncology, radiation oncology, and surgical oncology are invited to attend BCT’s free Trainee and Early Career (T&EC) Day at the 46th ASM.

Further information including the program, speakers, and topics to be covered during the session, will be made available in the upcoming months. For more information please contact the ASM Secretariat at

Trainee and Early Career Day Grant

Further information regarding the Trainee and Early Career Grant will be provided in the upcoming months.

A Full Day of Sessions with our Expert Panel

This is a free multi-disciplinary session, with both presentations and MDT panel discussions with an expert panel.

Network with Leading Breast Cancer Researchers

This is a fantastic networking and professional development opportunity with trainees, early career professionals, and leading researchers.

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"It's going to be a great day. I'm encouraging all of my trainees and the people I work with to come along, so I really encourgae you all to register for the workshop."

Dr Belinda Kiely / Medical Oncologist and BCT Study Chair of the OPTIMA Clinical Trial

Trainee and Early Career Day Feedback

Hear from those who have attended the session in previous years.

"The Trainee and Early Career day was an amazing opportunity to engage with world experts in a relaxed environment, and meet colleagues from across New Zealand and Australia. Informative, interactive and inspiring!"

"With on going development of the content and format, the Trainee Workshop will continue to improve the prospects and outlook for the Trainees and Early-Career folk."

"There was a great range of topics and talks related to challenges faced in our clinics, and a high calibre of speakers. It's amazing to have the international guest speaker stay on after the conference to take part."

"The Trainee and Early Career Weekend was an incredible opportunity to engage with international and national breast cancer experts. The environment was welcoming, supportive and inclusive, and I would recommend attending."

"Great to have a multidisciplinary forum for discussion, with insight into practice at different centres. The special interest topics, e.g. genetics, pregnancy, radiation with systemic treatment were all very interesting."

"The environment was open and non-judgemental, trainees and early career professionals were able to ask any questions. There was also a relevant but broad range of topics presented by engaging speakers."