The Annual Scientific Meeting brings together leading researchers and great minds.

We welcome BCT members, breast cancer researchers, and those involved in the conduct of clinical trials to learn more about recent advances in breast cancer research worldwide and to learn about developments in BCT clinical trials.

Connect With Leading Researchers

Hear from those who are dedicated to finding new and better treatments and prevention strategies for breast cancer.

Experience An Education Like No Other

Hear from internationally renowned guest speakers across two days of scientific sessions.

Stay Up-to-Date With Clinical Trials

Discuss research developments, whilst having the opportunity to network with leading health professionals from Australia and New Zealand.

Have More Questions?

For more information contact the ASM Secretariat: Ph: +61 2 4925 5255 or email

Professor Sherene Loi & Associate Professor Nicholas Wilcken

Wednesday 23 July

View the schedule for Wednesday 23 July. This will include the Trials Coordination Forum, Symposium, Concept Development Workshop, and Q&A Event (topic for the Q&A TBC).

Professor Alan Coates AM

Thursday 24 July

View the Scientific Session scheduled for Thursday 24 July. Session 1 will be held Thursday morning, followed by concurrent sessions 2A and 2B, which will be held in the afternoon.

Professor Elgene Lim

Friday 25 July

View the Scientific Session scheduled for Friday 25 July. Concurrent sessions 3A and 3B will be held in the morning, followed by Session 4, which will be held Friday afternoon.

– Adjunct Professor Soozy Smith, CEO of Breast Cancer Trials