Shom Goel

Conference Guest Speaker

Dr Shom Goel is a physician-scientist at the University of Melbourne and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. He completed his doctoral and postdoctoral research at Harvard Medical School and returned to Australia in 2019.

In addition to maintaining a clinical practice as an oncologist and trialist, he leads a research laboratory that positions itself at the intersection of cell cycle biology, epigenetics, and immunology in cancer. His team’s work at the Peter Mac has been published in Nature Cancer (2021) and Cancer Discovery (2024).

Shom serves as either Global PI or Translational PI for several randomised clinical trials in breast cancer, all directly stemming from his laboratory findings, and was appointed Chair of the American Society of Clinical Oncology Education Committee in 2023.

Shom is also a recent awardee of a Snow Fellowship and Era of Hope Scholar Award (US Dept of Defense).